Our Services


The biggest difference that sets us apart is our ideology. We believe that every person should take ownership of his / her own health. To educate the patient with proper diets and medicine in the right direction. Our overall goal is to guide our patients onto a path of good health and healthy lifestyle to enrich the quality of life.

Nutrition Guidance

The main objective of having a well balanced diet is to promote the health of the person, reducing the risk of pathologies in relationship with diet. Promoting the right nutrition to the body will enable control and prevention of one's health and imbalance body chemistry through proper diet. The end goal of having a proper nutrition diet that is best suited for the body to perform at its full potential.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic Adjustments

The main objective of the chiropractic adjustment is to improve the movement of the spine and to improve its physical function of the body. This process is done through the adjustment of vertebrates.

Holistic Medicine

Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine also known as traditional medicine has the objective to treat any physical organic imbalance without invasive drugs nor side effects. This is achieved through plant based treatments to enhance the body and proper diet. Benefits


Three Steps To A Healthier Life



Easily book your desired services online or give us a call at Phone number (760) 917-4559



One of our care providers will take the time to talk with you and administer your therapy.



You just want your life back – and that’s what our treatments are formulated to help you do.

The spinal cord is constructed of thirty three vertebrates. These thirty three vertebrates are categorized in either Motor functions ( directs the body’s movement, voluntary muscle) , Sensory functions ( Moniteration of pressure, pain, temperature and sensation of touch ) and Autonomic functions ( regulation of digestion, urination, heart rate , and blood pressure). When the spinal cord is put under tension or has had an infracter, the spinal functions will start to fail to give the proper signals to the body and will have the end result of secondary symptoms.

What are the benefits of a chiropractic adjustment?

When adjusting the vertebrates in the spin , the signals can be properly sent. Correction of the vertebrates can help with high blood pressure, digestiste, urination , and heart rate.

Before and After

After One Session

Come Visit Us

We are located here in North County CA